Demarcation Inspection

Demarcation System Inspection

Demarcation systems such as the D-marc demarcation system (post & chain barrier) are designed to keep users away from fall hazards. As such they are classed as a piece of work equipment & require regular inspection under PUWER. This can take the form of a regular visual inspection carried out by a competent person as part of a compliance-based inspection / Periodic Inspection Regime / PPM. In the event that an independent third party is required to undertake this inspection, Eurosafe can take on the role of the competent person.

Our inspection of demarcation barrier systems as a form of fall protection/guarding comes under PUWER legislation.

PUWER regulation 6 specifies the circumstances where inspection is required to ensure healthy and safe conditions are maintained. One circumstance identified is… where work equipment is exposed to conditions causing deterioration liable to result in dangerous situations. Given Demarcations location on a roof to keep users away from a fall hazard - it most certainly requires a regular planned inspection.

Eurosafe offers a comprehensive inspection service for your demarcation system and implements it as part of a schedule of Planned Preventative maintenance PPM.

Frequency of inspection

The Working at Height Regulations (WAHR) 2005 & The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 1998 both state that such equipment should be inspected & maintained by a competent person; manufacturers suggest this should be a frequency not exceeding 12 months.

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Demarcation System Inspection | Eurosafe