- Inspection & Maintenance
- Fall Protection System and Eyebolt Test & Inspection
- Vertical Wire Systems Test & Inspection
Vertical Wire Systems Test & Inspection
We offer a compliance-based Inspection & Maintenance service as part of a Periodic Inspection regime/PPM for vertical wire, cable-based fall protection systems used on telecommunications poles, masts, towers and wind turbines as well as many fixed ladders in and around buildings.
Vertical wire, cable-based fall protection systems are inspected & tested to EN 353-1.
Eurosafe undertakes the test, inspection, and certification of vertical wire, cable-based fall protection systems such as the MSA Latchways Ladderlatch system, the 3M Protecta Cabloc Vertical Tensioned cable system, the 3M DBI-Sala Lad Saf system.
All of these are vertical wire, cable-based fall protection systems that require a regular frequency of inspection. The frequency of inspection of a vertical wire, cable-based fall protection system will vary from application to application depending upon frequency of use and environment.

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